About Us

Welcome to Calvary Elementary School!

Tucked in the rolling hills of Marion County- Calvary Elementary is home to over 250 students and their families! Due to our small size CES has the atmosphere of family, friends, and learners on a mission to improve ourselves and to always give our very best! Teachers pride themselves on their student- centered classrooms- not only with brightly colored walls, student recognitions, and shelves full of fantastic books- but an intentional approach to meet each student where they are at, find ways to engage each learner, and turn goals into successes!

            We proudly offer a tremendous focus on not only classroom learning but deeply care about each child learning about the world around them! Our learners receive outstanding physical education lessons three times a week, a dedicated arts program that includes arts, drama, and music, and after school opportunities like Family Resource Programs, Dance Lessons, Academic Team, Student Technology Leadership Program, and more!

            Please feel free to learn about our school first hand through participation in our PTO program or volunteering in one of our classrooms!


Finding Our Future - Growing Our Leaders

Leadership Tree

The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun."

Christopher McCandless  

   On the joy of life