MCPS HIstory

What was old is new again

During the renovation of Marion County High School, maintenance staff members made an interesting discovery as they cleared out the school’s office. Among the cabinets, files, and typical office supplies was a collection of old scrapbooks filled with local newspaper clippings dating back as far as the early 1940’s.

The surprisingly well-preserved books mostly contain clippings from old issues of The Lebanon Enterprise and the former Lebanon Falcon newspapers dealing with school-related issues. Many of the clippings focused on events and news from Lebanon High School, although there were also articles about other former schools as well. Also included were issues of school newspapers, one of which dated back to 1919.

These scrapbooks, which are in remarkably good condition, have been photographed and stored electronically as PDF files. You can view the electronic archives by clicking on the images below.

Some images may appear blurry; this page will be updated.

Do you have an artifact from Marion County Public School's past that you think should be included on this page and can be shared electronically? If so, e-mail MCPS Director of Communications Jason Simpson.

LHS newspaper

Lebanon High School Student Newspaper - 1919

LHS newspaper 1922

Lebanon High School Student Newspaper - 1922

1941-1943 Scrapbook

1941-1943 Scrapbook

47-48 scrapbook cover

1947-1948 Scrapbook


1949-1951 Scrapbook

Scrapbook cover

1951-1955 MCPS Scrapbook

55-57 scrapbook cover

1955-1957 Scrapbook


1957-1959 Scrapbook

62-66 scapbook

1962-1966 Scrapbook