The Marion County High School baseball team honored the lives of two important Marion Countians recently during a double-header at Dave Hourigan field.
Prior to the first game, the team honored the life of Lisa Caldwell -- an MCPS teacher who lost her life to cancer -- as a part of the Lisa Caldwell Memorial Weekend. Caldwell’s family members were recognized on the field during a pre-game ceremony and former MCHS player Dawson McCarty, Caldwell’s nephew, threw out the first pitch.
Between games, the team also honored the life of Brad Lanham, who also passed away due to cancer. Lanham’s family was recognized on the field before the game and the team also planted a tree adjacent to their field in memory of Lanham.
Last week, the baseball team also donated $500 to the Marion County Good Samaritans.
The baseball team has another recognition planned for the upcoming home game on Monday, May 17. The Rae of Sunshine organization will be recognized before and during the team’s home matchup with Boyle County, with members of the MCHS SMILE club on hand to share important information and statistics regarding mental health.
Above: The family of Lisa Caldwell was recognized prior to the game.
Above: Dawson McCarty throws out the first pitch.
Above: The family of Brad Lanham is recognized between games.
Above: The MCHS baseball team donated $500 to the Marion County Good Samaritans.
BELOW: Listen to Coach Campbell discuss the importance of the Lisa Caldwell Memorial Weekend