Reminder: MCPS will be distributing student meals for Distance-Learners Wednesday, March 24 from noon until 2:00 pm at the Marion County fairgrounds.
almost 4 years ago, MCPS Nutrition
Three members of the MCHS Academic Team will compete in the state Governor's Cup competition this weekend. To ensure the safety of students and organizers, the academic events will be virtual. Results will be announced on March 22. Landon Cambron, senior, will compete in Social Studies. Kayla Lancaster, junior, will complete in Arts and Humanities. Samuel Cecil, sophomore, will compete in composition. Good luck to these students as they represent Marion County High School!
almost 4 years ago, Kim Hardin
Academic Team
Student meal distribution for Distance-Learners will be tomorrow, March 10 from noon-2:00 pm at the MC fairgrounds.
almost 4 years ago, MCPS Nutrition
We can't wait to see everyone tomorrow! Please remember to charge your chromebooks tonight.
almost 4 years ago, Kim Hardin
Don't forget to Stop, Drop, and Read today! Email Mrs. Hardin a picture of yourself reading and you might win pizza! Today is also the last day to enter the Reading Without Limits poster contest. See the Reading Celebration website for all the details.
almost 4 years ago, Kim Hardin
Reading Celebration Logo
Don't forget: We'll be distributing meals today from 3:00-5-00 at each of our typical feeding sites with the exception of Marion County High School.
almost 4 years ago, MCPS Nutrition
Please be sure to join us tomorrow night, March 4th at 5:30pm for a Parent "Knight" hosted by the Marion County Youth Service Center. This will be Part 2 of the Cyber Safety Training for parents. All attendees will be entered into a drawing for a FREE pizza delivery. We hope to see you there! Topic: Be a Cyber Safe Teen Part #2 Date: Thursday, March 4th Time: 5:30 PM Zoom Link:
almost 4 years ago, Erin Pittman
Don't forget to join Mr. Costisick's google meet today at 7:00pm. Also, we hope you're working on your poster for the poster contest--it's due Friday, March 5 by 3:30pm. You might win pizza!
almost 4 years ago, Kim Hardin
Reading Celebration Logo
The Literary Quote contest is live on the Reading Celebration Website! And today is the last day to register for Mr. Costisick's author event on Tuesday, March 2 at 7:00pm.
almost 4 years ago, Kim Hardin
Reading Celebration Logo
To kick off the 2021 Reading Celebration, MCHS will host a literary quote contest on Monday, March 1. Students who correctly identify all 6 titles and authors will be entered into a drawing for pizza! Please find the literary quotes on the official MCHS Reading Celebration Page. Monday is also the last day to register for Mr. Troy Costisick's author event on Tuesday, March 2 at 7:00pm.
almost 4 years ago, Kim Hardin
Reading Celebration Logo
MCHS's annual Reading Celebration is March 1-5! The theme this year is Reading Without Limits. Please see the Reading Celebration Website for a comprehensive list of activities, events, and prizes.
almost 4 years ago, MCHS Library
Reading Celebration Logo
State convention results will be posted Thurday, Feburary 11 on Vimeo! Mrs. Brown will be hosting a viewing party for Beta members who participated in State Convention! It will be after school in the Area Tech Center's Conference Room. Sign ups are on the Beta Classroom!! Drinks and individually wrapped snacks will be provided. We hope to see you there!
almost 4 years ago, MCHS Beta Club
Congratulations to Jordan Browning for winning state office! She is now Kentucky Beta's Vice- President and will be competing for National Office this summer in Florida!
almost 4 years ago, MCHS Beta Club
We are so proud of our club members who were able to place at our state convention and leadership summit!! There will be a parent and student meeting for National Beta Convention on Thursday, February 25 at 6:00 p.m. in the MCHS cafeteria. There is preliminary information posted on classroom right now!
almost 4 years ago, MCHS Beta Club
MCHS will follow the one hour delay schedule listed below on Tuesday, February 2nd. There will be no Knight Way. Students reporting in person (group A), and distance learners, will be on a delay schedule. We can’t wait to see group A tomorrow! 9:15-10:30 Block 1 10:35-12:30 Block 2 12:35-1:50 Block 3 1:55-3:05 Block 4
about 4 years ago, Haley Evans
Congratulations to the MCHS Academic Team for winning the Governor's Cup on Saturday! District Champs! Now on to regionals!
about 4 years ago, Kim Hardin
Good morning MCHS students and families. This morning, student learned about our plan for Knight Way time for the remainder of the semester. If you are not aware, this semester ends on January 22nd. Including today, there are only 13 days remaining in the semester. Teachers posted grades yesterday. You can now login to parent portal to view your students most up to date grades. If you, or your student, are NOT failing any courses, they will not need to Zoom during Knight Way for the remainder of the semester. They are still responsible for logging into their Knight Way google classroom and completing the posted assignment. They just won't need to Zoom. If you, or your student, IS failing one or more classes, they will need to Zoom with the teacher(s) of the course(s) they are failing, during Knight Way time, on a set schedule. Below is a link to the video we shared with students this morning to better explain the plan. If a student is failing one or more courses, Zooming with those teachers during Knight Way is a requirement. Teachers will be documenting the students who do not attend and we will handle those situation accordingly. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us at school and/or email the teachers of the courses your student is failing. Any staff member can be reached through email using Thank you, and let us know what we can do to support you as we wrap up the semester.
about 4 years ago, Haley Evans
Knight Way Plan
Attention Class of 2021: Cap and gown orders are due by February 15th. It’s very important that you order before the deadline due to COVID processing and shipping delays! The link to order is on the MCHS homepage!
about 4 years ago, Kim Hardin
MCHS Students and Families, Happy New Year 2021 !!! Welcome back.Tomorrow is our first back on Distance Learning. We will finish this week on distance learning. Friday, Jan. 8 will be an NTI day. Superintendent Schlosser will make a decision on returning to In-Person Learning by Jan 7 for the following week of Jan.11. Your schedule will be the same as it was before Christmas Break. Distance Learning Schedule Schedule Time Block 8:15-8:45 Knight Way 8:55-10:15 Block 1 10:20-11:40 Block 2 11:45-12:15 Lunch/Movement Break 12:20-1:40 Block 3 1:45-3:05 Block 4 We wanted to make everyone aware that we are currently still in the first semester. It will end on January 22nd. Typically, the first semester ends at Christmas break, but because of our late start this year, everything has been pushed back. This means that, after today, there are 13 school days remaining in the semester! WOW !! We realize that this semester has been difficult. We have all worked together to make virtual learning more manageable and meaningful. While we all want things to get back to “normal,” virtual learning is our current reality. The courses students are taking now, and the grades they are earning, are the grades that will post to their transcript after January 22nd. This means that if you are not satisfied with your current grades, you have 13 more school days to work with your teachers to improve them. Students, if you are failing a course, it is so important that you are communicating with your teachers to determine what work you are missing, and work with them to make it up. You have access to your teachers in so many ways (classroom, remind, etc.), but remember, you can always reach any teacher by emailing them at We also have opportunities for in-person, small-group tutoring and intervention. If this is something you are interested in, please use the link below to sign up with Mr. Hicks. It is so important that students address their failing grades immediately. If a student ends the semester with a failing grade, their schedule may be re-worked and elective courses removed, in order to re-take failed courses. We don’t want this to happen, but we also have to ensure students earn the credits needed in order to graduate. Please take this seriously. Students will take final exams on the last days of the semester. Per SBDM policy, final exams are 20% of final grades. We will post the Finals schedule soon for the first semester. We want ALL students to be successful virtual learners. Please let us know how we can support you!
about 4 years ago, Paula Curtis
Attention MCHS Students! If you are interested Virtual Campus Tours, please follow the link below!
about 4 years ago, Erin Pittman