Even though we were only able to get two days in the building, those two days were so exciting! All the teachers gathered during bus duty Tuesday afternoon and the topic of conversation was just how giddy we all were after being around students again. They energize us in a time we need it most!

Announcements from the Office
Yearbook pictures for Group A and hybrid learners have been rescheduled for February 22nd. Hybrid learners will come to the school between 1:00-2:00pm to get their pictures taken. If you are not comfortable with your child coming to the building, you may submit a professional looking photo for us to put in the yearbook. You can bring it to the school or email it to elyssa.holt@marion.kyschools.us

Please make sure students have earbuds and a water bottle with them every day.  

When students are not in person, it is important that they join the Google meet for each class at least to check in and get the assignment for the day.

Report cards and Terrace Metrics results were mailed home this week!

Please bring a charged Chromebook along with your charger to school on your in-person days.  

In honor of Valentine's Day, let's celebrate with some "Show Your House and School some Love" days!! On February 12th for Group B and February 15th for Group A, wear either your house colors or school colors!
The house colors are:
Camelot - yellow
Merlin - gray
Excalibur - blue
Lancelot - pink

Announcements from the Classroom
Lancelot students will receive a missing work report within the next week for their science, English, and math classes. 

7th grade Science (both houses) - We are continuing learning about kinetic and potential energy next week.

ELA6 Camelot and Merlin - Next week we will be reviewing an author's purpose for writing.

6th grade Art - We will be doing styrofoam printing next week. Please bring something to protect their clothes or wear clothes they don't mind to get messy.

7th grade Art - We will be painting contour line portraits next week. Please bring something to protect their clothes or wear clothes they don't mind to get messy.

6th grade ILP Activity Class - Your assignments will be posted weekly and are due each Friday.

6th grade math (all houses) - We will continue measurement conversions (customary units and metric units)

7th grade math (both houses) - We will have a chapter 4 test coming up at the end of the week. Pre-Algebra students will have a chapter 5 test this week. All chapter assignments are due at this time. 

Camelot Science with Mrs. Wood - We will begin on Monday and Thursday with a Phet Simulations on bonding between elements. On Tuesday and Friday, we will be doing a hands-on lab so we will be building a physical model of an atom in class. No supplies are needed, Mrs. Wood has the supplies.

Reading with Mrs. Wood - We started a new novel and will continue Chapter 2 on Monday. Please make sure you join in when you are virtual. We have an audiobook that can only be heard during class time.

We are so excited to announce that our middle school soccer season will go on as planned.  
There will be an informational meeting Thursday Feb 11th at 6pm at the Marion County Knight Academy gym. This meeting will also be streamed via Zoom for those of you that prefer this option. We will be discussing many important topics, so paper and pencil are a good idea.  Because of socially distancing, we ask that each player bring only one parent or guardian, so we don't overcrowd the gym. Each player must have someone there to represent them.  All questions will be answered at this meeting, including tryout date(s). If your child plays another sport, please bring your schedule with you.  All Covid protocols will be followed. Masks must be worn the whole time and temperatures will be taken at the door.