Enjoy Spring Break!
Reminder: We'll be distributing meals for students enrolled in Distance-Learning this Wednesday, March 31 from noon until 2:00 pm at the Marion County fairgrounds.
It was great to have time to help plan this year's Young Leaders Conference!
Our annual Young Leaders Conference is our premiere event to promote student leadership. This year, 29 students in 4th-8th grade have been invited to attend this year's conference. Follow the link below to read more:
Reminder: MCPS will be distributing student meals for Distance-Learners Wednesday, March 24 from noon until 2:00 pm at the Marion County fairgrounds.
Student meal distribution for Distance-Learners will be tomorrow, March 10 from noon-2:00 pm at the MC fairgrounds.
Don't forget: We'll be distributing meals today from 3:00-5-00 at each of our typical feeding sites with the exception of Marion County High School.
The weather wasn't perfect, but we still handed out over 24,000 meals this week! If you plan on collecting meals next Thursday, please fill out the Meal Package Order form: https://forms.gle/YjEc1NGNgLYZSfEY7
We're excited to offer local apples from Hinton's Orchard & Farm Market this week in our schools!
Don't forget: Our first re-entry date for Distance-Learners who want to return to In-Person learning is Wed., September 23. Please contact your child's school if your child will be transitioning to In-Person learning.
The following is a message from the MCPS Transportation Department we emailed to families earlier today:
Given the circumstances surrounding COVID-19, we cannot currently allow what we historically have called "note riders" -- that is, students who bring a note in order to ride a bus when they typically do not use MCPS transportation. For example, a student would not be able to bring a note indicating that he/she will ride a bus to a friend's house on a particular day. In the past, we've been able to accommodate those situations, but with our current set of COVID-19-related health requirements, this is not possible.
However, we are able to work with families if a student who normally rides a bus needs to be dropped off at a different location. For example, some students may occasionally need to be dropped off at a relative's home.
As we continue to receive health-related guidance, we'll update our procedures and share that information with you.
Thank you and please stay healthy.
Reminder: Our first re-entry date for students currently enrolled in Distance-Learning is September 23. Please communicate with your school if your child plans to return to In-Person learning.
Welcome to the new website!