From our partners at the Healthy Kids Clinic: There will be a vaccine clinic July 21 at Marion County High School from noon until 5:00 pm for ages 12 and up. No appointment required.
Lebanon Elem. School has full and part-time openings including ECE positions and a writing teacher position. You can see all postings at the link below:
All MCPS employment opportunities can be found at the link below.
From MCPS Athletics Director Michael Holt: Season passes for fall sports along with student passes and All-Sports passes are now available for purchase at the link below. Cash will not be accepted at the gate for MCPS athletic events.
There's still time to apply to join the MCPS Student Ambassadors for the 2021-2022 school year! This opportunity is open to MCPS students who will be in grades 10-12. Online applications (link below) are due by August 20.
Don't forget: If you haven't already, please complete the annual online registration for the 2021-22 school year:
Make sure you check out the link below for information on how to attend the one-day Shining a Light on Mental Health regional summit:
The Marion County Knight Academy (grades 8 & 9) currently has teaching opportunities for math, science, English and ECE. Help us spread the word and follow the link below to start the application process:
Our partners at the Healthy Kids Clinic will have walk-in sports physicals at MCHS July & 14. If you plan on taking advantage of this opportunity, please print out the appropriate form at the link below:
Grade 9-12 Form
Grade 6-8 Form
Don't forget: The MCPS Dream Bus returns to action today after a week off. Check out the Dream Bus schedule for times and locations.
The Shining a Light on Mental Health regional summit is set for Saturday, September 11 at Marion County High School. Your organization, business, or school district can register attendees by following the link below:
If you haven't completed online registration for the upcoming school year, please follow the link below to access the Parent Portal Login:
You can follow the link below to view the 2021-2022 MCPS school calendar:
From our partners at the Healthy Kids Clinic: There will be walk-in sports physicals July 13 and 14 at Marion County High School. Please bring your insurance card.
MCPS will conduct pre-K screenings on Aug. 13. If your child will attend MCPS pre-K for the 2021-22 school year and you have not already completed pre-K screening, please contact our Early Learning department at (270) 692-3721 or by email:
There's still time to apply to join the MCPS Student Ambassadors for the 2021-2022 school year! This opportunity is open to MCPS students who will be in grades 10-12. Online applications (link below) are due by August 20.
By now, many of our students in grades K-6 have received their second book from our Summer Reading Fun initiative. First, we'd love for you to share photos of our students with their books -- feel free to tag us!
Also, if your son or daughter received the young adult novel Legend of the Star Runner, follow the link to below to see MCPS Assistant Superintendent Troy Benningfield reading chapter one:
Congrats to rising junior Ericka Hoppes who was accepted to and will attend Gatton Academy in Bowling Green. This is a very impressive honor and wish her good luck on this next chapter of her educational journey!
From our partners at the Healthy Kids Clinic: There will be walk-in sports physicals July 13 and 14 at Marion County High School. Please bring your insurance card.
Congratulations again to our Campbellsville University Excellence in Teaching awardees -- Hope Dougherty, Rebecca Emmons, and Vivian May -- who were recognized at last night's MCPS Board of Education meeting!